Sunday, July 25, 2010
A first introduction came in 2008 at a little conference called SXSW. It was a sweaty afternoon and the promise of liquor brought us into an appropriately named venue The Thirsty Nickle. But what ensued was a performance by the Eastern Conference Champions.
Unfortunately timed passed and the memory of that show faded. It was 2 years later and the random discovery of their presence on the Eclipse soundtrack, that reignited my interest. An obsession is actually what followed. The thing I like most about this band, is no two songs are the same. The Eclipse song "A Million Miles An Hour" is sultry and dark with a heavy bass and almost creepy backing vocals. It's very Dead Weather mixed with Radiohead and very awesome.
Then my favorite "Common Sense" is a kind of rock that begs for an addiction. Its full of ego-driven guitar work, but it's fully justified, because they are that good. The vocals almost have a bit of a soulful twist to them, but when the chorus comes around it bursts out and snatches ya back in.
Their lighter side actually comes out nicely in this music video [or rather cartoon]:
(And get this....they're unsigned!)
Aug 1 2010 | 9:00P |
Aug 18 2010 | 10:00P |
Helping you find your background music. \m/(>.<)\m/
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