Ok, I've been at this coffee shop for roughly....2 hours and my iTunes has eternally been on IPS. Or as they're technically called - Innerpartysystem. Four guys from Pennsylvania with this amazing ability to groove your socks off.
Before last year I owned one song of theirs, then I finally saw them in concert at The Midland (thank you 96.5 The Buzz!) and was exhausted just from watching them. After that performance I bought their CD from Jared (drummer) and it has yet to leave my car. Seriously.
Now these guys are REALLY good at feeding your need for more music. Half of my collection from them are free mixes, Winter, Spring, Summer, etc. They take other songs and put a little IPS spin on it. Electronic Rock is the genre I've given them. But each song is different and each mix (depending on which member it comes from) is different.
The reason I bring them up now, is they just announced a new single to come out next month. In other words, NEW IPS MUSIC!! This makes me giddy. And the 1:52 song is a complete tease...May 18th can't come soon enough.
This video is good for showing the intensity of their music:
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