a tear...

Monday, January 24, 2011

It’s only fear that runs through my veins
It’s all the things you can’t explain
That make us human

These lyrics that come from the band Civil Twilight 's song "Human", are so beautiful that when paired with the elegant piano work can evoke very strong emotions. However it could be said that drawing emotion from lyrics is easy. Throw out the heart and love and you're probably on the right track. But what if you didn't have any words?

When I first heard the opening notes from the song "The Ash Is In Our Clothes" something welled up inside of me. And when that horn whispers it's hello, a small tear formed. No words. There's not a single word in this song. But it...is...breathtaking. Forget trying to stay warm during this number, 'cause the chills will continue throughout.

Sleeping At Last first entered my library with a download from NoiseTrade.com. A few selections from Keep No Score and a few from Storyboards. There's just something about the music that this band makes. They blow you away with every album and there's only 2 members!

The notes are elegant, the vocals are mesmerizing and the extra elements are so poetic that it's hard to believe that musicians like this still exist. Imagine the orchestra/band that one would get to make a movie score. Now add brutally human lyrics from a choir-esque voice and you've got a hint of what Sleeping At Last has to offer.

Right now they're in the middle of a MASSIVE project. They're producing an EP for every month of the year and calling it the Yearbook. So far the months have been awesome. However I'm partial to January (for a few reasons).

This video gives you a feel for the mesmerizing vocals:

If I had all the money in the world I would buy each of my friends the song "The Ash Is In Our Clothes". But then again, these guys deserve at least $1 of your money for this kind of genius (or whatever they end up getting off iTunes sales). You can though, still find some of their music for free on NoiseTrade.

SAL is not currently touring, but I'm guessing the new EP every month is to blame for that.



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. \m/(>.<)\m/